School Motto: Resurgam
School Colours: Garnet & Gold
School Population: Approx. 195


Principal: Nelson Arsenault
Vice Principal: Wendy Robichaud
Administrative Assistant: Lynn Chase

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  • Student Handbook_2024-2025
    Last updated: August 29, 2024

Student Handbook

Tuesday, September 3, 2024: Opening Day for Students

Friday, September 6, 2024:  Last Day for Course Changes

Monday, September 30, 2024: National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

Monday, October 14, 2024:  Thanksgiving Holiday

Friday, November 8, 2024: ASDW School Improvement Planning Day

Monday, November 11, 2024: Remembrance Day Holiday

Tuesday, November 12, 2024: Report Cards Issued

Friday, November 22, 2024: P/T Interviews  –  Professional Learning – No Classes for Students

Friday, December 20, 2024:  Last Day of Classes before Christmas

Monday, January 6, 2025: First day back

Monday to Friday, January 20 to January 24, 2025: Assessment/Demonstration of Learning

Monday, January 27, 2025: Turnaround Day – No Classes for Students

Tuesday, January 28, 2025: Turnaround Day – No Classes for Students

Wednesday, January 29, 2025:  Semester Two Classes Begin

Friday, January 31, 2025:  Report Cards/Last Day for Course Changes

Monday, February 17, 2025: Family Day Holiday

Monday to Friday, March 3 to 7, 2025:  March Break

Friday, April 18, 2025: Good Friday Holiday

Monday, April 21, 2025: Easter Monday Holiday

Monday April 17, 2025: Report cards issused

Friday, April 11, 2025: Parent/Teacher Interviews and PL

Monday, May 2, 2025 : NBTA Council Day, Provincial – No Classes for Students

Monday, May 12, 2025: NBTA Branch Meeting Day All ASDW

Monday, May 19, 2025: Victoria Day Holiday

TBD: Night of the Tiger

TBD: Senior Class Banquet

Monday to Friday, June 9 to 13, 2025 : Assessment/Demonstration of Learning

TBD: .Baccalaureate Service

Tuesday, June 17, 2025: Prom

Thursday, June 19, 2025:Graduation/Safe Grad

Friday, June 20, 2025 . : Report Cards/Summer School Registration Last Day for Students

June 24 – 25, 2025:    Administration Days

On behalf of Mrs. Robichaud and myself, welcome back for another great year. Let’s make the 2024-2025 the best year ever!! As administrators at Minto Memorial High School, we can proudly say that we both graduated from this school and have many great memories as students and educators. While our career paths took us in many directions, it is a pleasure and a career highlight to be administrators in this wonderful school!!

Your high school years will be what you make of them. Make new friends and get involved in school activities. Our goal for you is to become a TIGER and be proud of it. You will be expected to do your best as a student as academics will be a priority. As you prepare for university, community college or the workforce, take pride in your work, respect the value of an education and the road to success

Best Wishes for a Great Year,

Nelson Arsenault & Wendy Robichaud

Minto Memorial High School strives to foster a learning environment where students and staff are working together in a pleasant, encouraging, and friendly atmosphere.


*To provide a safe, orderly environment

*To offer varied instructional and assessment methods to meet the      needs of our students

*To communicate with parents, students, and teachers in a respectful manner

*To instil in students the desire to be life-long learner

Minto Memorial High School has an active Parent School Support Committee.  This committee is an advisory group that gives advice to the Principal on educational issues.  The Committee consists of up to twelve members including elected parents/guardians and community members, the Principal, a teacher and student(s); and meets once a month for one hour.  The meetings are open to the public.  Each elected member may serve a term of up to three years.  .  If you would like more information, call the school and leave your name and phone number.  The principal or PSSC chair will contact you.

Each year in late spring a new student representative council (SRC) are selected for the upcoming school year; resulting in the election of a President (Co-President), Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Sports Rep, Grade 10 Rep.

Throughout the school year, the full council plans and delivers a variety of student activities, which include dances, theme days, orientation activities, assemblies and fund raising.

The student council represents the interests of the student body; it is a liaison between them and the administration.

Data concludes that cell phones cause a distraction to the learning environment.  Therefore, once students arrive in their classrooms, a designated holder has been placed in each room to house students’ cell phone while class is in session.  Students must place their phone in their assigned spot in the holder automatically when they arrive to class.  Teachers will also remind students to place phones in the holder.

Violation of this policy will result in the following:

First offense:  Student must hand in cell phone until the end of the day.  Student will bring phone to the main office and pick it up at the end of the day.

Second offense: Student must hand in cell phone until the end of day.  Student will bring phone to the main office and an administrator will contact parent/guardian to explain that it is a second offense, and the parent/guardian comes to the main office to claim it when convenient for them.

 Third offense :Student must hand in cell phone until the end of the day.  Student will bring phone to the main office and an administrative conference with parent/guardian will be organized.  The parent/guardian comes to the main office to claim it when convenient for them.  At the conference, two options will be discussed in the conference:


  1. Cell phone stays home for two weeks and if it is seen at school during any time of the day, student will no longer be able to have cell phone at school for the remainder of the semester.

Cell phone goes to the main office upon student arrival every day for two weeks and can be retrieved for lunch hour then returned to office after lunch for the afternoon and retrieved at the end of the day.  If student is found with cell phone during class time and has not handed it in to the office, the same consequence applies as above.

A yearly fee of $31.50 must be paid by each student. This fee is used to provide each student with:

  1. An Identification Card
  2. Student Calendar
  3. Exam Booklets
  4. Locker and Lock
  5. General Student Activities

**ONLINE payment is available, and preferred by District Office.

Students who are suspended or withdraw from school will receive no rebate after September 30.  A refund of $15.00 applies until September 30.  Lockers are the property of the school and may be subject to being opened and searched by administration if deemed necessary.




Students are encouraged to take an active role during their time at MMHS.  The following sports, clubs and committees have been available to students at MMHS during the school years, depending on interest.  Suggestions for new clubs are always welcome! Get involved in your school!

30 Hour Famine

Anti-Bullying/Making Waves

Beyond The Hurt

Car Club

C.O.W (Crazy Orientation Week)

Christmas Concert

Dance Committee

Dinner Theatre

Disability Awareness Week Committee

Fitness/Weight Room

Friday Fun Nights

Gay/Straight Alliance

Grad Class Committee



Games Room


Leadership Committee

Math Competition

Men’s Senior Basketball

Men’s Senior Soccer

Men’s Volleyball

Prom/Decorating Committee

Peer Mentors

Reach for The Top

Relay Committee

Relay For Life

Safe Grad Committee


Sound and Lights Crew

Spring Blitz

Student Representative Council (SRC)



Variety Show

Video Yearbook

Wellness Committee

Women’s Senior Basketball

Women’s Senior Soccer

Women’s Volleyball



(Some sports, clubs and committees require a fee.  See Extracurricular Fees.)



At the sound of the fire bell, the following rules apply:

  1. Students will follow the signs posted in the classroom and under the direction of their teacher will walk to the exits.
  2. Teachers should take the Go Kit for the classroom and are responsible to see that all classroom doors and windows are closed.
  3. Students will stay together as a class under the direction of the teacher and move away from the school building to a designated area.

Our library is open from 10:00 – 12:00 from Monday to Friday. Although magazines and reference materials must remain in the library, fiction and non‑fiction books may be signed out for two weeks.  Each student must sign his/her name and homeroom designation on the card.  Borrowed books are to be returned to the library trolley.  No food or drink is permitted.  This is your library; please use it.

The Guidance Department of Minto Memorial High School is concerned with helping students cope with academic, vocational and personal matters, providing a wide range of services from adjusting to high school life to exploring career plans for students after graduation.

The Guidance Centre is located on the main floor and is open for use from 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.  For an appointment with the guidance counsellor, please leave your name with the administrative assistant in the main office.


The Sexual Health Nurse visits our school regularly and is available for one-on-one counselling.

Referral to an addiction service counsellor should be done through the Guidance Department.

For an appointment with one of the health care providers, please leave your name with the school’s administrative assistant in the main office.

Due to students at MMHS having an allergy to peanuts, it is necessary to implement a policy regarding this serious health issue.  Our objective is to create, to the extent possible, school practices which reduce the possibility of exposures which can cause anaphylactic shock.  We believe prevention is the best approach, therefore, we are asking parents and students for their cooperation in reducing the risk to exposure to peanuts.

We are asking that the following guidelines be adhered to:

  1. Please make sure you wash your hands before coming to school so that any traces of peanuts that may be there will be erased.
  2. Please avoid bringing any peanuts or products containing peanuts to school.

If we all follow these simple procedures, we will make MMHS a much safer environment.


The use of computers and the internet by students while at school is governed by the New Brunswick Department of Education Policy 311. This policy defines standards for appropriate use of information and communication technologies in the public school system.


Acceptable Computer Use Agreement

I understand that use of the school’s computer equipment, network, e-mail and world wide web services is a privilege, not a right. I agree to respect the following:


  1. a) I will comply with the Department of Education’s Policy 311 – Information and Communication Technologies Use (
  2. b) I will not spread computer viruses intentionally or access or make changes to systems or files that are not mine (i.e. hacking). This is illegal.
  3. c) I will not create, access, store, print or send threatening or obscene messages or any other material that is likely to humiliate or offend.
  4. d) I will not use free/anonymous e-mail accounts (such as Hotmail) using the school’s network or equipment.
  5. e) I will not download games, large files or pictures or use chat rooms without permission.
  6. f) I will not send unsolicited bulk information (SPAM).
  7. g) I will not give out information about myself or other people, such as passwords, name, address, telephone number, age, sex or photo.
  8. h) I understand that if I do not respect these rules I may lose my computer privileges and/or face other disciplinary actions.

All students and their parents/guardians are asked to sign a statement agreeing to follow the rules of Policy 311.  Any violation of this policy will result in a student losing the privilege of using the school’s computers and network.

It is required by District Policy that the school inform parents when a student is not in attendance.  Thus, if a student arrives late he/she must sign in at the office.  Students leaving the school (except at lunch hour) are required to sign out in the school’s main office. Students are permitted to sign out only if written or verbal permission is given to the office by the home. Sign outs are only allowed when the student is leaving the school property for an extended period of time.

Students who leave the school without using the proper sign out procedures are considered in violation of the rules at MMHS. Consequences may include detention(s), and/or an out of school suspension.

All facilities, property and vehicles at MMHS are designated vape/smoke-free as required by policies of both Anglophone School District West and the New Brunswick Department of Education.  Vaping/Smoking is not permitted anywhere, at any time, by any person on school grounds or on a school bus.  This includes vaping/smoking inside privately owned vehicles parked on school property.  The policy will be equally applied for vapes and cigarettes.

First offence outside; Warning

Second offence outside: 1 day suspension

Third offence outside: 3 day suspension

First offence inside: 1 day suspension

Second offence inside: 3 day suspension

Third offence inside: 5 day suspension

The use or possession of alcohol, narcotics, other restricted drugs, and drug-related materials will not be tolerated.  The purpose of this policy is to eliminate the use of alcohol and drugs from school life (including off campus school-sponsored events), and to aid students with alcohol and/or drug problems.


Violations of this policy can occur as follows:

  1. Strong suspicion of use of illegal drugs, alcohol, vapes at school or at school activities
  2. Use of tobacco/vape by any student on school property
  3. Use of possession of alcohol at school or during school-sponsored activities off property
  4. Use or possession of illegal drugs
  5. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at school or at school activities
  6. Distribution and/or selling of tobacco, vapes, alcohol and/or drugs to students at any time.

Infractions will be dealt with as a discipline issue.  Violations of the policy involving illegal drugs or alcohol will result in immediate suspension and may result in the loss of extra-curricular privileges.

Head gear of any kind must be removed during the playing of the Canadian national anthem and during all Remembrance Day ceremonies.  No hoods on in the building.

Devices such as cell phones, MP3 Players, etc., must be placed in the bin at the front of each classroom.

No student shall make any kind of recording (visual or audio) in the building or on the property of Minto Memorial High School. Anyone found to be making an audio or video recording will be dealt with accordingly by Minto Memorial High School and Anglophone West School District.

Students, not the school, are responsible for their personal property.  Students are encouraged not to bring large amounts of money, cameras, etc, to school. All valuables should be secured.

Goal: To promote regular attendance thereby enhancing scholastic achievement.

Attendance is often directly related to a student’s success or failure, and becomes an essential part of the file permanently available to employers and post-secondary institutions. Records of attendance should be considered of great importance since they reflect habits or responsibility and state of health. The parent(s)/guardian(s), the student and the school share the responsibility to work co-operatively to maintain a high standard of attendance. Consequently, District Policy requires all students to be in regular attendance at MMHS.

It is important that students arrive to class on time. When students are tardy for three days, this will be considered an absence.

A student who has been absent for a day, or any part of a day, is required to provide an excuse for the absence to his/her homeroom teacher. The excuse must be dated, must refer to the specific date(s) of the absence(s), must be signed by the parent and must be presented to the homeroom teacher as soon as the student returns to school. Teachers may assign detentions when absences are unexcused. In cases where there are excessive absences, a doctor’s note may be required. The New Brunswick Education Act of 1997, Section 13 (1c), states: In support of the learning success of his or her child and the learning environment at the school, a parent is expected to cause his or her child to attend school as required this Act.

Parents are encouraged to phone the school before 9:00 a.m. to report the reason for their child’s absence. The student’s attendance record reverts to zero (0) at the beginning of each semester.

Minto Memorial High School, in its attempt to promote regular student attendance, has adopted the following procedures:

  1. Personal contact will be made with a student’s parent or guardian by individual teachers.
  2. On the 10th absence in any class the principal will notify the parent or guardian in writing of the school’s concern regarding absences.
  3. The principal will update and review the attendance of any student who has exceeded the 10th class absence with the parent and guardian, and the School Based Education Support Team.
  4. The principal will notify the Director of School for the Oromocto Education Centre of all chronic non-attendance.


The dialer system allows the school to provide information to students, parents and staff outside of the physical plant by leaving a “call waiting” message on your home phone. It will also automatically call home should a student be absent from any class as well. This allows the school to provide information to parents thereby keeping them informed as to what is happening at Minto Memorial High School.

Students may use the office phone with permission and only in emergency situations. Parents who need to contact their son or daughter should call the office.

Minto Memorial High School now uses PowerSchool as a student data base. This system allows parents and students to check marks, attendance and assignments, and communicate with teachers and administrators. Parents need to contact the school to obtain their child’s ID, the number used to allow access to the data base, and their password. Parents already registered can use the same ID and password from the previous year.


Anglophone West School District values the health of its students and staff and is committed to providing a scent-reduced learning/working environment. While recognizing that complete elimination of scents is virtually impossible, the expectation is to minimize the risk of exposure by information, awareness and avoidance.

Minto Memorial High School promotes a scent free environment and students and staff are encouraged to be sensitive to the needs of persons with environmental sensitivities. All attempts will be made to resolve scent related issues; this may include requiring someone return home to change.

In order that all students and staff feel comfortable in the school environment, demonstrative displays of affection, or any similar activities, are not permitted.

All students will have their picture taken for the purpose of obtaining an I.D. card. Those wishing to purchase a set of school pictures are required to submit the funds to the photographer when the pictures are ordered. Details pertaining to prices are included in the brochure given to students on the day the photographs are taken. All monetary contracts are between the student and the photography agency—not the school.

Minto Memorial High School is privileged to have enough lockers for every student. Students should not share lockers. Subsequent problems between “locker mates” can lead to a problematic locker environment. Students are responsible for all materials kept in their lockers. This includes all illegal substances and/or stolen articles.

  1. All lockers are school property and can be inspected at any and all hours of the day.
  2. Keep your combination to yourself and not share it with anyone else.
  3. Lockers are to be maintained in a neat and tidy condition. They are to be cleaned before leaving in June.
  4. Report any damaged lockers and locks to the office.
  5. Students are cautioned not to leave sums of money, valuable clothing or electronic equipment in their lockers.
  6. Lost locks must be replaced for $6.50 each.

Students who wish to provide their own transportation are requested to park in the “STUDENT PARKING” area ONLY. This does not include the area behind the cafeteria or near the side entrance to the new gymnasium or shop.

Students are to register their vehicles at the office. Vehicles not properly registered with the office may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Any students involved in careless/dangerous driving or found guilty of any motor vehicle offense may have their parking privileges terminated on school property. Any violations occurring on school property will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Vehicle violations on school property are subject to prevailing provincial laws.




Students are reminded to lock all vehicles when vacating and that they are not permitted to return to vehicles during instruction time without permission.  Students not complying with these policies may lose the privilege of parking on school property.

Any items lost and recovered are placed in the school office. Inquiries for lost items may be made in the school office.

During inclement weather situations, the following options are considered:

  • Schools open as usual: no radio announcement will be made
  • All schools closed for the day: an announcement is relayed to local radio stations by 6:00 AM. Parents are urged to listen to the radio early in the morning when inclement weather is predicted.
  • Schools in only one or two zones of the district closed: a radio announcement is relayed to local radio stations by 6:00 AM. Minto Memorial High School is in Zone 8
  • All school bus routes delayed by one hour: a radio announcement is relayed to local radio stations by 6:00 AM. On these occasions, all schools in the district will be open at their regular time to receive walking and drop-off students. Students arriving late will not be penalized.

Because of varying weather conditions throughout the district, there may be occasions when a particular bus route is hazardous. In cases where the bus driver has a safety concern, he or she has the responsibility to recommend either the cancellation or delay of a particular bus run.

School closure and transportation information can be found on the district’s website at:


Anglophone West School District is committed to providing safe and reliable transportation services for all eligible students to and from school

A student wishing to travel on a bus that he or she would not normally use must obtain a bus pass from the school’s principal.

  • The bus is part of your school system and requires the same behaviour as any classroom. Be courteous to your driver and fellow passengers.
  • Rough or boisterous conduct is not allowed on the bus.
  • Be on time and never stand on the street or highway to wait for the school bus.
  • Be quiet while the bus is approaching and crossing a railway line.
  • Pupils will be picked up and discharged only at bus stops approved by Anglophone West School District.
  • Pupils will obey the driver and avoid unnecessary conversation with him or her while the bus is in motion.
  • Never cross the road behind the bus—always cross at least ten feet in front of the bus, looking in both directions.
  • If seats are assigned by the driver or the teacher when on bus duty, remain in that seat.
  • Do not open windows or the Emergency Door without the driver’s approval. Do not extend arms or other objects through windows or throw anything from windows.
  • Help to keep the bus clean by not leaving garbage of any kind on the bus.
  • Eating, drinking, or the use of any tobacco product is not allowed on the bus.
  • Carrying oversized objects, sharp or round objects, hockey gear, or anything that might represent a hazard to others is not permitted on the bus.
  • In case of any emergency, remain seated and follow the directions of the driver.
  • Willful damage done to any school bus must be paid for by the offender.
  • Any violation of bus conduct rules will result in disciplinary action from the school, and may result in the loss of bus transportation privileges.

Students are reminded that certain items are not permitted on a school bus for safety reasons and/or taking up valuable seating space:

  • skateboards
  • large musical instruments
  • hockey sticks

Transportation for occasional drop-offs will not be provided however, school administrators have flexibility to deal with emergency situations.


A request for a bus pass may be presented to the principal in an emergency situation. The request must be a written note from the student’s parent/guardian, must include the student’s name, the correct address for the requested drop-off, the date, signature of the parent/guardian, and the reason for the request. Requests for a bus pass will not be accepted over the phone.


Bus passes will not be given for travel to extra-curricular activities and/or work locations.

Any questions regarding busing can be directed to Anglophone West School District Transportation Department at 453-5454.

Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  At any time, you are invited to leave a message on the school’s message manager seven days a week.

All persons not enrolled or affiliated with the school must check in at the office as a security measure.  Unauthorized persons are not permitted in the building or on school property at any time.

The provision for extracurricular activities at Minto Memorial High School puts a serious strain on school-raised funds. All athletes are required to participate in fund-raising activities organized by his/her team. Even though the school stages a number of fund-raising drives, the profits from these projects do not come close to funding the operation of our various clubs.


Therefore, it is necessary to assess the following student extracurricular fees:


Soccer:  $104.75

Basketball: $104.75

Volleyball: $104.75

If a third sibling playing same sport: $84.00

Outdoor Pursuits: $157.25

Junior Varsity Sports: $104.75

Badminton: $42.00

Golf: $78.75

Note: Grad fees are assessed, but the exact amount depends on expenses incurred.

If an athlete quits a sport, they will NOT be eligible to play any sports at MMHS for 1 year.

Note: Athletic Fees are due by a set date and if these fees are not paid by the set deadline, they will be determined ineligible until the fee is paid.

Minto Memorial High School

Representing Minto Memorial High School as a participant or spectator in various activities is a privilege that students, teachers, coaches and other volunteers must accept with a full sense of responsibility.  It must be understood by all that when we represent Minto Memorial High, we are in effect the ambassadors of the school.  The School Administration, teachers, PSSC and community expect that the image of Minto Memorial High School be positive and respectful both inside and outside our community.  An image of sportsmanship, respect, responsibility, proper behaviour and positive attitude reflects standards to be promoted in and out of school.  The image we expect and promote is supported by the following:


  1. Language: The use of profane or vulgar language, verbal outbursts, racial slurs, or any form of derogatory remarks will not be tolerated.


  1. Attitude: Student athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner at all times, acknowledging that they are fully responsible for their actions.


  1. Sportsmanship: Athletes are expected to perform to the best of their ability in all practice and game situations, within the context of the rules that govern their sport.  Good sportsmanship shall be demonstrated toward team-mates, coaches, opponents, officials, fans and any others associated with a practice, game or tournament. (This is also regulated by NBIAA)


  1. Initiation Ceremonies: Some levels of sport have been subjected to an initiation process by forcing new members to perform acts that are offensive, humiliating, unsafe, or embarrassing.  Acts of initiation will not be tolerated at Minto Memorial High School.


  1. Appearance: Team members should present a neat appearance at all functions pertaining to their activity.  Individual coaches/supervisors should use proper discretion and may choose to establish particular dress codes for various functions. (away games, banquets, provincial championships, etc.)


  1. Academics and School Behaviour: It is understood that academic responsibilities and school behaviour include attendance, punctuality, co-operation, respect for others, and a genuine effort on all homework, tests, projects and examinations.  If these responsibilities are neglected, a player may have to be temporarily or permanently removed from a team.


  1. Uniforms/Equipment: Team members are expected to properly care for uniforms and equipment under their care.  Further team affiliations may be effected when uniforms are not returned at the end of the individual sporting season.


  1. Smoking: Smoking is detrimental to your ability to perform, and therefore hinders both you and your team, in addition to being harmful to your personal health.   The non-smoking policy at MMHS extends to students involved in our extra-curricular programs.


  1. Alcohol & Drug Abuse: The use of alcohol or drugs in a non-medical fashion will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and will result in immediate dismissal from the team. Reinstatement to the team will be at the discretion of the athletic committee and the coach.


  1. Athletic Fee: Students are expected to pay an Athletic Fee to help offset the tremendous cost associated with running teams. (See Extracurricular Fees)


  1. Game/Practice Days: Any student not in attendance the day of a game or practice is not eligible to participate in that game or practice.  Any student not in attendance the day following a game is not eligible to play the next game.


  1. School Suspensions: Students suspended from school are also restricted from athletic and social functions of the school.  Students will not practice, play games or travel with the team while suspended from school.


  1. Coaches: Coaches are expected to fairly and consistently administer the foregoing.  All coaches and volunteers working with students must have familiarised themselves and signed that they are aware of the intent and spirit of Policy 701 ( and have had a Criminal Record Check done by the RCMP.  Any violation of rules previously discussed must be reported to the School Administration as soon as is reasonable (preferably within 24 hours).  Coaches will also need to have the NBIAA Coaching Certification Course and to have this completed before the first practice.  (


  1. Locker Rooms/Activity Areas: Team rooms are the responsibility of the users. These areas must be kept neat, orderly and maintained in good condition.  “Horseplay” or fooling around in team locker/shower areas is not allowed.  Failure to comply with these rules may result in loss of personal privileges for these areas.


  1. Travel: Students are not to drive themselves or other students to or from games.  Coaches need to monitor this and report to Administration of any findings.

The MMHS Athletic committee has developed the following procedures to be followed in regards to a student having academic difficulties.

The following steps will be taken:


A meeting with the student athlete, concerned parent/guardian, and the chair of MMHS Athletic Committee will take place.  A two-week probation period will be instituted during which progress will be monitored.  The athlete will be permitted to participate in practices and games during this period.


After the two-week probation, if improvement is noted, the probation will be discontinued.  If improvement has NOT been noted, the chair will meet with student and parent/guardian, a second two week probation period will occur during which the athlete will be suspended from practices or games and will be expected to complete outstanding course work in after school detentions.


Following this second probation period, if the athlete has shown improvement, he/she will be reinstated.  Progress will continue to be monitored.  If no improvement has been shown, a meeting with the Athletic Committee will take place; further action, which most likely will include a permanent suspension, will then be taken.

Male and Female Athlete of the Year award will be presented annually.  In assessing potential candidates, the following will be considered:

  • Athletic ability
  • Leadership and Commitment
  • Good ambassadors/ Role models for school
  • Maintaining an academic level consistent with ability
  • Respect for rules


Prospective candidates are chosen from grades 11 and 12.  The MMHS Athletic Committee will make final selections with input from coaches.

Students can qualify for an Athletic “M” by:

  • Participating in one sport for three years or
  • Participating in three sports in one school year.

There are two reporting periods each semester. For those courses which run for one semester, each reporting period has a value of 35% and a final exam worth 30% except where specified. For the full year courses, each semester is assessed using the same 35%, 35%, and 30%, but the final year’s mark is an average of the two terms.

Students are reminded that while the passing grade in high school is 60%, post-secondary institutions require higher entrance marks.

If students are going to be absent for a test, they are advised to call the school BEFORE the test is to be written. Students who miss a test with just cause will have their marks prorated or will rewrite the test at a time designated by the teacher. Students who miss assigned tests and cannot provide a reasonable excuse may be ineligible to write the test and receive a mark of zero.



Students must have an English 12 and a minimum of four other courses at the grade 12 level.

Success on the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) is required. All students write the ELPA in grade 9. Students must achieve acceptable or better to receive a New Brunswick High School Diploma. Students who are unsuccessful in grade 9 are provided support in grade 10 and the opportunity for a diploma by rewriting the ELPA in grade 11 and, if necessary, again in grade 12.

All students must successfully complete either the Post Intensive French (PIF) or French Immersion Language Arts (FILA) course at the grade 10 level.

All students must complete the two grade 10 mathematics courses.

Eligible students must have an average of 85% or above combined grade 11 and 12.

Students may always seek extra help from their teachers if they do not understand assignments, if the work is difficult or if they have been legitimately absent and have missed assignments and class discussions. Students should arrange conferences with their teachers before or after school, or at a time convenient to all.

A teacher will sometimes request a student stay after school if it is apparent that the student is having difficulty with work. This is not to be thought of as a punishment, but rather as the desire of the teacher to help students make progress.

The resource teacher, at the request of the subject teacher, can assess students who are having difficulty with their course work.

The school has clearly established its intent to maintain high academic standards and expectations for all courses offered. These standards are only legitimate is students’ work is their own. The use and/or copying of other students’ materials is morally and ethically inappropriate and taken under serious scrutiny.

Plagiarism is to take and use as one’s own, the thoughts, writings or inventions of another.

Students must indicate the source of all materials they use that are not their own, this includes materials from the internet. Students are not permitted to cut and paste, or download entire texts.

If it is substantiated that a student is involved in copying or providing material to other students for the purpose of copying, or has plagiarized assignments, he/she will receive 0 on the assignment/test/exam.

The Positive Learning Environment Policy is a tool designed to help school staff, students and parents build safe and peaceful environments where people feel accepted and respected and where learning is the main focus.

A Positive Learning Environment is one in which all persons, regardless of their role, are valued and respected; appropriate conduct standards are developed and applied to all persons in all school-related activities; all persons understand that they are expected to make a positive contribution to the environment.

“Students are the school’s responsibility to and from school during the hours of the school day” – (Education Act) 22 (1) Where a person creates or attempts to create a disturbance in or on school property while being used for school purposes, a teacher may exclude that person from the school property.

This applies to all functions related to school activities, i.e. field, gymnasium, or any other locations where school functions are occurring.

MMHS is your school. You do share the school with many other students with common goals: to do as well as possible academically and to participate in and enjoy the many extracurricular activities, which are available. These goals are achieved by maintaining certain expectations and standards.

As a student of MMHS, you will be treated with dignity and respect. You are, in turn, expected to behave responsibly, dress appropriately, speak considerately, and work to the best of your potential. Exhibiting self-respect indicates that you feel good about yourself and have the discipline necessary to be a successful student.

You are expected to be a good school citizen by treating your fellow students, teachers, supply teachers, student teachers, staff and visitors to the school with courtesy and respect. You must ensure that the language you use is always appropriate and polite.


Students attending Minto Memorial High School have been in school for at least nine years. By this time they should know what constitutes acceptable behaviour.

Even though common sense should dictate how students are expected to properly conduct themselves at school, on the bus and during school-sponsored activities, the following are considered to be some of the unacceptable behaviour that will not be tolerated at Minto Memorial High School.

  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) in undesignated areas
  • Littering or defacing school property
  • Leaving class and/or the school premises during class hours without permission of a teacher and/or administration. Student leaving school MUST sign out at the office.
  • Being in possession of, under the influence of, or utilizing illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages on school buses or school property or while attending school-sponsored activities not on school property
  • Refusing to do assigned work
  • Abusive or obscene language
  • Refusing to attend classes and sit in assigned seats
  • Disruptive behaviour
  • Fighting or provoking fights


In maintaining proper discipline, and under the authority or the New Brunswick Education Act, student will be suspended for:

  • Profanity directed towards teachers or other staff members
  • Physical violence directed at fellow students or staff
  • Defiance
  • Vandalism
  • Continuous harassment or intimidating by direct or indirect means, including any electronic media



Out-of-school suspension is the temporary exclusion of a student from being physically present on the school property and at school-sponsored events during the period of the out-of-school suspension. Immediate suspension is permitted when the presence of the student in the school endangers that student, other students, or school staff, or substantially disrupts the rights of others to an education.

The out-of-school suspension of a student may be considered for any of the following reasons:

  • Persistent disobedience or disruption
  • Persistent refusal to do assigned school work
  • Conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school or to the physical or mental well-being of others in the school, while on the school premises, while attending any school activity or while on a school bus
  • Willful damage to or destruction of property while at school
  • The persistent use of profane or improper language
  • Involvement with drugs and/or alcohol
  • Refusal to comply with an intervention plan to address absenteeism
  • Behaving in any other manner which, in the opinion of the principal or designate is detrimental to the others in the school



Lengthy suspension (exceeding five days) are considered as consequences for more severe infractions including:

  • Abusive language
  • Physical assault
  • Physical fighting
  • Threatening, intimidating and harassing behaviours
  • Substance use and abuse; and possession. Pupils, who, during the applications of these guidelines, refuse to go to the office or to another designated area and who, after the administration deems to have reasonable and probably grounds for a search, refuse to empty their pockets, book/athletic bags or purses, etc. are in violation of this policy and are subject to the same consequences. Any pupil smelling of a prohibited substance may be deemed in possession or under the influence of that substance and may be subject to the same consequences.
  • Possession of anything that is perceived to be or has the potential to be a weapon. This offence may result in immediate suspension without the normal sequence of interventions. When necessary, the local law enforcement agency will be called to assist in an investigation with criminal charges and a complete suspension from school a possibility. Knives of any kind and/or size are considered weapons.


A student who is suspended is not to travel on the school bus or be present on school property for the duration of his/her suspension. Suspended students are not to attend school related functions or events.

Policy 316 (Graduation Requirements as of 2026)
  • Policy 316
    Last updated: August 29, 2024
Last modified